Appointment in summer

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Appointment in summer

2019-07-30 13:28:11
The fiery sun is the theme of summer. Under the illumination of the scorching sun, we sweated and the sky and the earth were as steamy and irresistible as the invisible steam room. Hot, hot, hot! People wear clothes hot, shirtless, bare-chested, hot, shaking the fan to blow the air conditioner or hot, hot and sweaty, hot and hearty, this is the extraordinary of summer!

Summer is a beautiful season. All kinds of flowers are open to competition: lotus, orchid, lily, rose flowers..., colorful, aromatic and intoxicating; summer is the season of growth. Pomegranate, apple, grape, lychee ..... all kinds of fruit are full of branches, pleasing to the eye; summer is the season of harvest. The wheat in the north, the melons and vegetables in the south, the car, the busy scene; the summer is the season of self-display. The strong physique of a man, the graceful appearance of a woman, the white skin, the free and easy nature, the free and easy; the summer is the season of people's self-venting. Young boys and girls, young and middle-aged friends, everyone gathered in restaurants, bars or karaoke bars, dance halls, open to drink, sing and dance, all night long, happy and happy; summer has the strongest sense of rhythm; not only the hard heat, but also the cool .

Whether in the wind, in the rain, or in the hot sun, we are waiting for you at Rvton!