Army Day

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Army Day

2019-08-01 10:02:29
On August 1, if there is no such day, the Chinese people still live in the old and hot society. We must celebrate August 1 and commemorate August 1st.

I always thought that the road that can complete two thousand miles is God, people can't do it, but they did it! In the era when the soldiers were in chaos and chaos, they did it. They finished a miracle! Even today, when there is no worries, few people can finish this road. Who are they?

They are - the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

On the grassy meadows, they have their stubborn figures; on the snow-capped mountains, they have their tough footprints. There are still many difficult roads, they have sprinkled sweat, sprinkled blood, and even left precious lives. But they are not afraid, they have not left their own way, they are determined to win, and they are bravely walking on this road.

They deserve our study, learn from their strength, and learn from their bravery. Thank you more for their sacrifice and dedication to the good life we have won!