What will be the impact of choosing the wrong size of the floating seal?

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What will be the impact of choosing the wrong size of the floating seal?

2023-08-07 16:55:32

The floating seal pays attention to the dimensional fit between the ring and the rubber ring, and also needs to consider the dimensional fit between the floating seal and the application seat cavity.

Let’s talk about the size fit between the rubber ring and the metal ring first. If the sealing ring is equipped with a rubber ring with a size that does not match, it may occur that the installation is too loose, slipping, and the rubber ring is twisted. If it is equipped with a rubber ring with a smaller inner diameter, the pressure of the rubber ring will be too small, it will not be easy to adjust itself, and it will be prone to aging and failure. Therefore, the appropriate metal ring should be matched with the corresponding appropriate apron under the guidance of the floating seal manufacturer.

For the coordination between the floating seal overall assembly and the seat cavity, it is necessary to consult the floating oil seal manufacturer in the form of drawings before purchasing. An assembly that is too large cannot be pressed into the lip of the seat cavity during installation, and a floating oil seal that is too small will easily cause pressure. The size of the metal ring and the rubber ring should be measured separately for the floating seal to avoid failure of the oil seal due to inappropriate dimensions. Condition.